Call for papers
Quality Assurance Review for Higher Education Vol. 13, No. 1-2 year 2023
Quality Assurance Review for Higher Education
Recommended topics:
Quality Assurance in higher education beyond learning and teaching Quality Assurance to enable meaningful implementation of learning outcomes in higher education |
Journal published by: Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education – ARACIS
ISSN: 2066 – 9119, 2069 – 2188 (online)
Place of publication: Bucharest, Romania
Publication type: printed, online
Estimated publication date: February 2024
Contribution submission deadline: 31 October 2023
The Quality Assurance Review for Higher Education (QAR) is an academic publication with tradition continuously published by ARACIS since 2009. QAR focuses on theory, practice and policies in quality assurance of higher education and aims to facilitate the transfer of best practice and communication between national and international experts and to contribute to developing the quality culture in higher education.
QAR is indexed in international catalogues and databases: EBSCO, J-Gate and UrlichsWeb.
Papers should be elaborated and are published in English.
No fee is charged for publishing papers.
Papers will be published both on paper and online on ARACIS website at