Vol. 7, nr. 2, 2017
1. The State of Implementation of Europe 2020 Strategy in the Field of Education and Training in Romania (article in Romanian)
Emilia Gogu, Iordan Petrescu, Gheorghe Săvoiu
2.Considerations on the New Quality Assessment Standards for University Education in Romania
Alain Buzelay
3. Approaches for Internal Evaluation of Universities in a New Public Responsibility Framework of ESG 2015
Gyöngyvér Hervainé Szabó
4. Guidelines for Quality Assurance of Career Services in Higher Education – a Proposal
Mihai Andronie, Ioan-Adrian Trifan
5. Risk Register Implementation in a Department of Foreign Languages and Communication – Case Study
Raluca Ghențulescu, Loredana Grigore-Miclea
6. Sustainable Development Goals and the OVHR-model in Higher Education
Iván Zádori, Zsolt Nemeskéri, Marianna Sebők
7. The Quality Assurance of Studies in the Framework of the ERASMUS+ Programme
Nicoleta Ilieș, Cristina Campian, Doina Verdeș, Laurence Boswell