In compliance with Government Decision no. 1418/2006, the ARACIS Council establishes Permanent Speciality Experts’ Commissions that operate and carry out their activity, according to their Operation Regulation, approved by the Council.
The Permanent Speciality Experts’ Commissions cover all the speciality domains and forms of education in which study programmes are being developed in higher education institutions in Romania, as follows:
C1: Exact Sciences and Natural Science
C2: Humanist sciences and theology
C3: Legal Sciences
C4: Social, Political and Communication Sciences
C5: Administrative Sciences, Education Sciences and Psychology
C6: Economic Sciences I
C7: Economic Sciences II
C8: Arts, Architecture, Urban Planning, Physical Education and Sports
C9: Agricultural and Forestry Sciences and Veterinary Medicine
C10: Engineering Sciences I
C11: Engineering Sciences II
C12: Medical Sciences
C13: Distance learning and part-time learning education
The activity of the Permanent Speciality Experts’ Commissions is conducted in line with several procedures:
Note: The commission members with public positions are suspended from the academic evaluation activity, during the mandate.