In compliance with the legal regulations on quality assurance in higher education, the ARACIS Council sets up the National Register of Evaluators (NRE). The evaluators are university professors and associate professors, from Romania and from abroad, with recognized professional activity and moral integrity, with competence and experience quality assurance in education at national and international level. For a more relevant evaluation of the link between higher education and labor market, from this year, the NRE includes also representatives of employers.
In order to manage the NRE, it was created an online platform for registering and evaluation of experts, based on ARACIS current methodology and standards ( The online platform is mainly aimed at creating and updating a real-time database with ARACIS evaluators from which NRE is generated. The first assessment on the online platform of ARACIS evaluators took place in the period 01/10 to 31/12/2010.
NRE is structured in specialized commissions and within these ones in study domains. There are 14 academic commissions and a commission of employers. For each evaluator the following information is public: academic title, name and surname, university studies, academic and scientific experience, experience in academic evaluation, QA projects, significant publications in QA and expertise areas in the last 5 years, language skills and the university where the evaluator works. For the evaluators from the commission of employers, only the name and surname and information about their workplace is public.
NRE evaluators have permanent access to the database for updating their personal data in both Romanian and English (
The database is updated once a year, during the period 01.10 – 15.12 for: registering and assessment of both Romanian and foreign new evaluators; removal or deletion of evaluators which, for various reasons, can not take part in the process of evaluation; updating the declaration that confirm the absence of any conflict of interests for the existing evaluators.
The NRE updating, namely adding the new evaluators (registered and evaluated in the period 1.10 – 15.12 of the previous year) and deleting those evaluators which, for various reasons, can not take part in the process of evaluation, is done at the beginning of each year, following the approval of the ARACIS Council in its first meeting from January.
For additional information, please contact us at the following e-mail:
Procedure for the Selection of the evaluators in the ARACIS Register of International Evaluators
Note: The Register of evaluators’ members with public positions or rector position shall not be called for academic evaluation activities during the mandate