The piloting of the “Methodology of external evaluation, of the reference standards and of the list of performance indicators” by ARACIS, in the 2006-2007 academic year, as well as other activities initiated and completed by ARACIS during this period, were subject of an external evaluation, carried out on a contract basis, by an independent group of Romanian experts constituted in the “Monitoring Committee”.
The Monitoring Committee was composed of:
– Professor Mircea Miclea, PhD – „Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca
– Professor Mihai Korka, PhD – Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest
– Professor Smaranda Angheni, PhD – „Titu Maiorescu” University of Bucharest
– Professor Luminiţa Nicolescu, PhD – Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest
– drd. Bogdan Florian – National School of Political and Administrative Studies in Bucharest
The Committee drafted an “Independent report evaluating the activity of ARACIS during the piloting period of the application of the Methodology for external evaluation of quality assurance” (in short, the Independent Evaluation Report), which was analyzed by the ARACIS Council and the Monitoring Committee in their joint meeting (on 4 October 2007).
The content of the Independent Evaluation Report was assumed by the members of the ARACIS Council.
Based on the conclusions of this Report, the ARACIS Council has developed a Programme of actions and priorities for the period 2007-2009, in order to improve the quality of ARACIS activity.
At the same time, ARACIS has drafted and published the Declaration on its mission and objectives, in line with the practice of similar European agencies.