Competence makes the difference! Project co-financed by the European Social Fund, through the Operational Programme Administrative Capacity 2014 – 2020
The results and the specific activities of the project:
11 -15 June 2018 – General presentation QAFIN Project (RO)
RESULT 1. Methodology and guidelines for external evaluation of quality in higher education institutions from Romania
May 2018 – Gender equality. Mini-Report Result 1 (RO)
Februarie 2019 – Preconsultare privind evaluarea, standardele de calitate și metodologia
August 2019_R.1_ Annex Quality Procedures Handbook English_var 1
August 2019_R.1_ draft External Evaluation MethodologyJuly 2019_EN_var 1
Septembrie 2019_R.1_ Annex Quality Procedures Handbook_ Romanian Translation
Septembrie 2019_R.1_ draft External Evaluation Methodology_ Romanian Translation
1. Prezentare generală Proiect QAFIN 25 octombrie 2019
2. Itemi prezentare Prof. Stefan Stanciu 25 octombrie 2019
WB Methodology QA prop in nutshell 25.10.2019
WB QA Joint Programmes 25.10.2019
Noiembrie 2019 Output – 3.1 draft External Evaluation Methodology Revised final English
Noiembrie 2019 – Prezentare proiect QAFIN Timișoara
Noiembrie 2019 – Prezentare QA Joint Programmes Timișoara
Decembrie 2019 – Chestionar Consultare publică Metodologie ARACIS
Prezentare proiect QAFIN R1 – Iasi 13 decembrie 2019
IS terminologie generală JP Iasi 13 decembrie 2019
QA Joint Programmes Iasi 13 decembrie 2019
RESULT 2. Improved methodology for the evaluation of universities with the purpose of institutional classification and ranking of study programmes. Report regarding the classification of universities and study programmes (RO)
Annex 1 Description of classification and ranking indicators (RO)
Output 2.2 Classification (RO)
12.04.2019 Prezentare – Consultare publică București Metodologie
12.04.2019 Anexa 1 la Metodologie – Lista indicatori
18.04.2019 Prezentare – Consultare publică Iași – Metodologie
31.05.2019 Prezentare ARACIS Consultare Timisoara
01.07.2019 Anexa Indicatori la Metodologie – Ajustari in pilotare
02.10.2019 R.2 Anexa I și II Indicatori Metodologie QAFIN- dupa pilotare
14.11.2019 R.2. Anexa I și II Indicatori Metodologie QAFIN_dupa pilotare_dupaCNR
RESULT 3. Study on data and good practices at European level regarding quality assurance and classification in higher education as well as on the impact of current practices, at national level
Result 3_dec 2017_ Quality Assurance in European Higher Education (RO)
Result 3_Dec 2017_ Quality Assurance in European Higher Education (EN)
RESULT 4. Updated internal regulation for organisation and operation of ARACIS and development of the manual of internal procedures
RESULT 5. Manual of procedures regarding the role and competences of the Ministry of National Education and its subordinated councils, respectively of ARACIS, regarding quality assurance and the ways of collaboration between the two institutions
RESULT 6. Staff of the Ministry of National Education and its subordinated councils, of ARACIS and higher education institutions that was trained regarding the implementation of the developed methodologies, including for ensuring an adequate sustainability
RESULT 7. Staff of the Ministry of National Education and ARACIS that participated in exchanges of good practices with other higher education quality assurance agencies listed in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR)

This webpage is co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) through the Operational Programme “Administrative Capacity” 2014-2020
For detailed information regarding the other programmes co-financed by the European Union, please visit the website: www.fonduri-ue.ro
– website of the Operational Programme “Administrative Capacity”: www.fonduriadministratie.ro
The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. The responsibility for the correctness and consistency of the presented information lies entirely with the initiators of the webpage.